Do you have the Urge to Purge? by June Plahuta.

Inside this article:

  1. How Can Decluttering Transform Your Life?

  2. My Personal Journey with Decluttering

  3. Have you Been Feeling The “Urge to Purge” Too?

  4. Writing Prompts to Reflect on your Personal Journey

How Can Decluttering Transform Your Life?

What is the Urge to Purge Energy and why is it important? Such an intriguing question.

In an energetic world where we put so much value on material belongings, it’s no surprise that we get overwhelmed with the stuff we accumulate over time. Consumerism is always around us, keeping us looking for the next shiny object, the latest fashions, colours or decor for our home. We spend so much time and energy working to buy all of the things that we perceive will bring happiness and fulfilment and some things do bring it temporarily.

We all too often, give and receive material gifts that are well intended at the time, but eventually they just become part of the collection that is taking up space, sometimes with some kind of emotional attachment associated with it. 

We all had some kind of “collection,” didn’t we? Some that come to mind are bugs, rocks, crystals, “barbie dolls”, “dinky cars”, stamps, money, antiques, China figurines, tea sets, dishes or lululemon clothes - What comes to mind for you?

As Albert Einstein once said, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."

What got me feeling passionate to write about this topic today? Well, I feel like I have been purging for as long as I can remember, holding on to some special meaningful items along the way. The only problem is I was constantly adding and replacing them with something new,  the latest version, trend or colour. It felt good to be able to purchase what I perceived as fulfilling at the time for myself and others.  

Perhaps I was looking for happiness in the wrong places and things? 

It made me feel good to be able to give to charities or to let someone else enjoy some of my accumulated belongings that were no longer needed. As a child, I was happy and grateful to wear second hand clothes from my cousins, so it fulfilled something that I kept within me for so many years. It’s my way of giving back or proving my worthiness for the abundant lifestyle I manifested.

This is a time of many changes in the world as we know it. Many of us are feeling called to lighten up our energy fields, raise our vibration and create space for a new way of being. We are the change that the world needs now. Individually and collectively we are making a difference by making conscious choices in how we choose to live our lives.

Have you found yourself re-evaluating what is important in your life, your core values and what feels good and brings you Peace, Love and Joy? And what doesn’t? Perhaps you are distancing yourself from people that lower your energetic vibration, or deciding your workplace is toxic and you don’t belong there? Maybe you’re more conscious of the people pleasing that you have been doing to accommodate others? Are you noticing that you’re keeping yourself small and feeling like you are here for so much more in this life? Perhaps you’re feeling like you’re on a hamster wheel proving your worthiness with your hard work and all your material assets but still not fulfilled?

Feeling the “Urge to Purge” is an energetic push that is happening to many of us at this time. 

Simplifying our lifestyle while still having nice things and looking after our own well-being without giving away our power to anyone else. We are finding the courage to make changes and create new ways of being, doing things that we never thought would be possible. Letting go of the need to validate your worth and prove your independence and strength while honouring yourself just for being you will allow you to feel more peace, love and joy.

Decluttering also helps you to manifest things in your life by creating space to invite in new energy. Take a look around and notice, where do you have too much chaos in your space? Where are the areas that you have been collecting and building up clutter?

When we surround ourselves with clutter and chaos our minds and our hearts can’t open up to new ideas and new possibilities. Decluttering is creating order and shifting energy to become open, to have more space for new things to come into your life.

When you want to feel more energized, have more money flow, less conflict in your relationships or you just want to feel better within yourself you have to let go of the stuck energy that is around you so that you don’t feel stuck within yourself. When you have too much clutter you may feel fear, stuck or like there is no future or solutions. 

Decluttering creates order and harmony. You will often times sleep better, as well as have more clarity and focus. 

Having your energy field open and clear helps you to feel more positive, more energetic and passionate about life. You will have a new mindset, more access to success, money, love, good health and to have all the good energy that will fuel your life.

My Personal Journey with Decluttering

Honestly, I admit since 2020 I have felt a need for big life changes. Feeling the need to raise my vibration, frequency and energy, I have allowed my intuition to lead me. I have learned to let go of attachments to material belongings and some people in my life. I made many lifestyle changes while on a deep healing journey that has benefited my family and myself. Some of my biggest ‘aha moments’ were embodying the fact that I don’t need to be in control of everything or anyone else… except myself.

I realized how the physical clutter was overwhelming me. As I began to clear out my space, something shifted within.

Some of the things I purged were:

  • Clothes that I realistically know I don’t need, I find myself wearing my few favourite things so why hang on to things for years just incase I might need it one day.

  • Socks, underwear, belts and pantyhose. How many does one person actually need? Does anyone still wear pantyhose? 

  • Shoes and Boots

  • Coats and Jackets. I don’t wear most of them so I’m sure I won’t miss them.

  • Makeup, brushes, and perfume that I don’t use or never did but somehow accumulated.

  • Health and beauty products that are full of toxins and carcinogens. 

  • Jewelry that I never wear but someone else would cherish. Why wait till I’m gone?

  • Books that I read and some that I intended to read at one time but realistically know I never will.

  • Receipts, bills and other paperwork that really no longer matter. The past is the past, all that matters is now going forward.

  • Towels and Bedding, another collection or perhaps obsession from the past.

  • Cleaning Supplies that are toxic and unnecessary. I have a water ionizer that produces makes hospital grade alkaline water  through electrolysis, perfect for cleaning and many other uses.

  • Alcohol and wine that I kept for years. I’m not sure why I kept them so long.

  • Dishes, dish towels, glasses, vases, plant pots, of course I kept some but minimal feels so much better!

  • Outdated food and food that I once thought was decently healthy. I was keeping “healthy” food incase of an apocalypse that I once feared. Are you doing this too? My fridge is so much more organized and minimal now!

  • Small appliances and kitchen gadgets that never get used or are toxic.

  • Frying pans and pots coated with toxic non stick teflon and aluminum

  • Spices that accumulated and perhaps were used at one time. We prefer the fresh spices  and minimal these days.

  • Toys that my kids once enjoyed and have no attachment to now. Yes, I did let the grandchildren pick out some treasures.

  • Furniture and area rugs that aren’t necessary and just taking up space. Ironically, I have better things then cleaning and dusting to keep me busy these days.

I was very mindful, recycled, donated, gifted or sold what I could. I made many people smile as I gave them a treasure.

I saw the humour, laughed out loud and forgave myself as I got rid of so many organizers, that I bought. Our egos are good at making us feel so smart, if its organized and has a place it’s okay to keep it. Being organized actually made me feel better about keeping so much stuff from the past.

I remembered the time when I was excited about decorating my first new built home. Every room that was completed temporarily satisfied me, but I always thought about how nice it would be when the next room was finished. Eventually they were all finished and I would start making changes to each one again. My home was always very clean and organized, I took pride in what I had but it never seemed to be fulfilling. 

I remembered feeling the need to have some of my mothers belongings when she passed over. It was like I was keeping a part of her with me forever. Now that I realize everything is energy it makes sense to me and I was able to move forward letting go of material stuff, knowing that she is always with me anyway 

Life is full of karmic loops, patterns and emotional attachments. 

It’s up to us to alchemize the past by evolving, making changes and showing a new way of being for the greatest good of all for generations to come.

The process was challenging and time consuming yet incredibly liberating. As I purged, I began to feel more connected to my new self. The physical act of decluttering became a spiritual experience, a way of honouring who I am now, not who I was. It was a reminder that I don’t need to cling to the past to prove my worthiness as I was unconsciously holding onto things as I perceived material items equalled success and happiness. I now know, I am enough, just as I am, in this moment.

Have You Been Feeling the “Urge to Purge” Too?

I know I am not the only one who is challenged by clutter and goes through phases of purging. Many of us are being called to re-evaluate what truly matters in our lives. It's about making conscious choices that align with your core values and bring you peace, love, and joy.

To me, this looked like simplifying my lifestyle, while still having nice things. It is about looking after my well-being. It’s about creating space for a new way of being and embracing the freedom that comes with it. Decluttering is more than just a physical act; it’s a form of self-love. By lightening your load, you create space for new possibilities. You allow yourself to let go of the past and embrace the future with open arms.

Remember, you are an energetic being, worthy of living your life to the fullest. Don’t let fear or scarcity keep you from experiencing abundance. Trust your intuition, reclaim your power, and have fun with the process!

As my five-year-old granddaughter wisely says, “It’s okay Grandma, use your imagination, you can do hard things.”

With love,


Writing Prompts to Reflect on your Personal Journey

  1. What resonated most with you from this article, and how do you feel it applies to your current life situation?

  2. Are there any specific areas in your home or life that you're inspired to declutter after reading this? What changes do you hope to see by doing so?

  3. How do you plan to create more space for positive energy and new opportunities in your life? Share any steps you're excited to take.

If you feel called to share below, we would love to hear from you!

Meet The Author: June Plahuta

June is a mother to three grown children and grandma to three granddaughters. In her 60’s she transitioned professionally to being a Conscious Aging Coach, with passions for helping people live with greater health, happiness and longevity.


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