NEW Meditation available on Insight Timer!!

Today guided meditation is a potent chakra cleansing meditation designed to harmonize your energetic centers in your body to invite greater alignment allowing in the magnetization of your wildest desires.

I have included some writing prompts for you to spark a new vision as you exit the meditation.

I hope you enjoy it!

Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced skill level, you may find these meditations beneficial.

Remember this is a skill you must cultivate. If you experience any of the following, it is a great thing to hone in on your practise.

A regular meditation practise can to help you to:

  • Ease anxiety and/or depression allowing you to relax, unwind & destress.

  • Increase self confidence by raising self-awareness, self-trust & self-connection.

  • Improve your health by decreasing stress related inflammation in the body.

  • Decrease reactivity to life’s unexpected events by creating space of awareness between the event & the reaction providing opportunity for reflection & shift in behaviours.

  • Get a better nights sleep so your body can more deeply rest, rejuvenate, repair & self heal.

  • Heal from addiction or compulsive behaviours by cultivating a mind-body connection and enhancing ones ability to self regulate their emotions & behaviours.

  • Connect with your true authentic self strengthening your intuition & decision making skills.

You will not only have access to the meditations that I continue to share, you will have access to many other incredible teachers using the app.

You can follow us on Insight Timer Here.

Insight Timer App also has features for:

  • Daily emotional check in

  • Digital journal entry

  • Yoga

  • Breathwork

  • Quotes

  • and more.

Feel free to add meditation or any of the above into your normal routine. Stacking your meditation practise with something you are already consistent with is an incredible little trick to increase your consistency and follow through.

You can do a meditation whenever you feel called. Two great times of day are in the morning immediately when you get up.

If you are doing it in the morning, and do not have the luxury of falling back asleep, I suggest washing your face with water & getting out of bed first and then moving to a dedicated space for meditation in your house where you have peace & quiet.

The second time is before bed. You can play the meditation as you lay in bed and welcome the rest & sleep that may likely take place prior to the meditation ending.

Be consistent, challenge yourself & have fun with it!

Try out your first meditation now & leave us a review.

Let us know below in the comments how you are enjoying your meditation practise and the benefits have you been experiencing since incorporating meditation into your lifestyle.

Chow for now!

Love Always,

Laura Plahuta


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