Work Smarter, Not Harder: Why Slowing Down Works

Hello, beautiful soul

Ever feel like you’re trying to do it all and still falling short? Between balancing responsibilities, chasing goals, and working on personal growth, it can feel like you’re stuck on a never-ending treadmill. But what if the secret to reaching your potential wasn’t about pushing harder, but about slowing down and finding balance instead?

Think about those moments when everything just clicks—when you’re in the zone, creativity flows, and you get things done while staying calm and confident. Feels great, right? But let’s be real, when we’re stuck in patterns we believe will lead to success, they can be hard to break—even when we know they’re no longer serving us. Why? Because stepping into the life we really want often feels harder than sticking with the comfort of what we already know. 

Maybe you have a goal that's been lingering in the back of your mind—something new or a dream you’ve been sitting on for a while that feels hard, even impossible, to bring to completion. Maybe you’ve tried slowing down, but instead, you end up bingeing Netflix, scrolling endlessly on your phone, or overloading yourself with work to avoid stress. Or maybe you know that what you’re doing isn’t working, but you’ve been stuck in the same patterns for so long that no new, viable opportunities seem obvious. If this sounds familiar, I want you to know it’s not about lacking willpower. These patterns are tied to deep-seated habits, beliefs, and a nervous system that’s resistant to change.

Here’s the thing: transformation isn’t about doing more. It’s about being intentional with your time, slowing down, and understanding so deeply the pattern you are in so you can feel safe to release it and create something new. In this blog, we’ll chat about how slowing down can actually speed up your growth, dive into the science behind it, and share simple steps to help you break free, calm your nervous system, and finally take that step you've been wanting to take. Let’s get into it!

Why It’s Hard to Slow Down – and How to Change That

Slowing down feels like it should be easy, but for many of us, it's anything but. If you’ve ever tried to relax only to feel restless, distracted, or even guilty, you’re not alone. This struggle is deeply rooted in how we’re conditioned and the world we live in.

Why We Struggle to Pause 

The pressure to stay busy often starts in childhood. Hard work and productivity are celebrated—whether it’s excelling in school, dominating activities, or just staying occupied. Another clue to our own patterning we hold is to think back to how active our parents were as kids. What do you remember? What was their lifestyle like? How is their health today? Remember, our outer world can be an incredible mirror to give us clues into who we are, why we are the way we are, and how to unlearn. Sometimes it's as simple of doing the opposite so eventually we can find our happy middle ground. These are some of the many things from our childhood and upbringing that drives us to constantly achieve. Obviously, there are many other parts likely that are unique to each one of our pasts so further self exploration is always needed.

Another thing that I found very interesting on my own self exploration was that many immigrant families, among my own, this pressure to achieve runs even deeper. Hard work and nonstop productivity were often a necessity for their survival, shaped by war, conflict, or scarcity. Rest wasn’t a choice; it was a luxury they couldn’t afford. And even in times when they may have been physically resting, their minds were worrying about their safety which activates the nervous system just as much as a physical threat. These survival patterns inherently have been passed down through generations, creating a nervous system wired for chronic stress and constant activity.

Also, depending on our upbringing or our parents upbringing, if either was raised in an abusive household whether mentally, physically, emotionally or sexually. You home environment wasn't safe so your brain became hardwired to prioritize protection and safety and not to trust others which makes healing from these patterns even more challenging.  It takes a lot of work and self-awareness to break free from these ingrained patterns and find a healthier balance in our lives.

But it's not all about the past. Our present circumstances, relationships, and environments also play a significant role in shaping our health today. We are constantly bombarded with societal expectations, cultural norms, and media messages that can influence how we view ourselves and what we believe is expected of us. These external factors can create pressure to conform, perform, or even compete with others.

It's important to recognize these external influences and decipher if they align with our own values and goals for our health. We must learn to set boundaries and prioritize our own well-being before trying to please others or meet unrealistic expectations. This means learning to say no, taking breaks when needed, and seeking support from trusted individuals who have our best interests at heart.

In a world that glorifies busy-ness and productivity, it's crucial to remind ourselves that rest is not only necessary but essential for our overall health and well-being. It allows us to recharge, reset, and rejuvenate as a whole - mentally, physically, energetically, emotionally and spiritually. So let go of the guilt associated with taking time for yourself and embrace self-care as an essential part of your journey towards a healthier life.

Remember, healing is not a linear process and it looks different for everyone. It's okay to have setbacks or difficult days. What matters is that you keep working towards finding balance and prioritizing your own health and happiness. Surround yourself with positive influences, seek support when needed, and celebrate small victories along the way.

We are all most definitely deserving of feeling free in our mind, body and spirit. It's simply a delicate process that requires our patience and compassion for our family who came before us, and for ourselves in this moment. We can 't skip over acknowledging our challenges.  We must show ourselves love and compassion, just as we would for a loved one facing similar struggles. This is the key to true healing and finding peace within ourselves.

So let's continue on this journey together, and take a look at the science before heading into the actionable things you can do while you rest to help shift these patterns for yourself.

The Science Behind Slowing Down – Unlock Transformation Through Awareness and Rest 

Slowing down isn’t intended for us to do nothing per say. It's intended for us to create space for awareness, processing, reflection, and intentional action. Science confirms that this practice is essential for productivity, work-life balance, and sustainable growth. Additionally, and very importantly - our mind and body need rest to repair, heal, and function at its best.

Here’s why rest and awareness are so powerful for transformation: 

1. Nervous System Regulation 

We touched on this in more detail in the last article/episode, but let’s go over it again because it’s so important.

Our nervous system has two main modes: the "fight or flight" response (this is the sympathetic nervous system) and the "rest-and-digest" mode. I also like to add in "heal and grow" (this is the parasympathetic nervous system).

You know how earlier I shared about our ancestors minds worrying, the same goes for us. Humans are apparently found to be the only species that can create stress hormones through thought alone. Why is this?  It's because we have the ability to imagine scenarios, both good and bad. And when our minds focus on these potential stresses, it puts us into "fight or flight" mode.

In this mode, our bodies shut down systems like digestion and immune response in order to prioritize survival responses. While this is great for short-term emergencies, being constantly stuck in this mode can wreak havoc on our health. (And this is one of the largest and most unspoken about epidemic in modern day society) So if we find ourselves worrying a lot or feeling fearful, it will activate our Sympathetic Nervous System, releasing stress hormones which chronically keeps us in "go go go mode".

Lets dive a little deeper into the physical way our body reacts when in "fight or flight" mode. Our heart rate increases, our blood pressure rises, and our muscles tense up in anticipation of needing to either fight off a threat or run away from it.

Along with these, when our bodies are in this survival mode, it recognizes that there are certain human functions and process that are not top priority such as our digestion, immune system response, ability to conceive, sleep and even our ability to think long term. Our bodies believe that we are in a dangerous situation, so it very intelligently shuts down these non-essential functions in order to focus on whats needed for our immediate survival.

How is this landing for everyone so far? Let me know in the comments as understanding this will be a game changer for not only your health and growth, but your life. 

So how do we then shift our nervous system back into "rest and digest" mode or the parasympathetic system after it has been conditioned to be here and has been here chronically for quite some time? 

Well to begin, we need to become aware of our thoughts and emotions that trigger our sympathetic response. And also what the sympathetic response feels like in the body so we can recognize it.

What does stress feel like in the body? How to recognize it?

Stress can manifest physically in a variety of ways. It may feel like tension or tightness in the chest, neck, or shoulders. It could also present as a racing heart, shortness of breath, or stomach discomfort. We may also experience headaches, fatigue, or difficulty sleeping.

It's important to pay attention to these physical cues and recognize them as signs of stress. By becoming aware of our body's response to stress, we can start to identify triggers and take steps to manage them.

This is where practices like mindfulness and meditation can greatly help us tune in with ourselves and observe any patterns or triggers for stress and anxiety.

We can also incorporate more relaxation techniques into our daily routine such as deep breathing exercises, yoga, or taking a walk in nature. These activities help activate the parasympathetic system and promote a sense of calmness and balance within the body.

Additionally, incorporating self-care practices such as getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and eating nourishing foods can also support our overall well-being and help regulate our nervous system. It's important to prioritize these self-care practices and make them a regular part of our routine.

Going a little deeper than self care to support healing from these internal patterns, you can try talking to a Therapist or Councillor, trying body based healing such as Emotional Clearing or. The Spiral to help you unlearn these patterns and begin learning new ways of being that support your nervous system.

So what does a balanced and healthy nervous system look like? How will you know when your nervous system is in a regulated state?  Some signs of a balanced nervous system include feeling calm and centered, being able to handle stressors without becoming overwhelmed, having a good sleep cycle, and experiencing healthy digestion.

Sometimes, our health and lifestyle changes can feel like an uphill battle however i'd love to invite you to see it as more of an adventure.  One where you get to explore different tools and practices, and discover what works best for you. It's an ongoing journey of self-discovery and growth, but with the right support and resources, it can be a rewarding one.

Remember, taking care of our nervous system is not just about managing stress and anxiety in the moment, but also building resilience for the future. By investing time and effort into our well-being now, we are setting ourselves up for a healthier and more balanced life in the long run. And you then get to pass along a new set of patterns to your children and grandchildren which is even more rewarding.

2. Enhances Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills

Have you ever noticed that some of your best ideas or solutions come to you when you're not actively trying to think.

When we slow down and give ourselves time to rest, our nervous system shifts into "rest-and-digest" mode. This state is not just essential for physical repair but also plays a key role in creativity and problem-solving. When we’re calm, our brain has the space to process information, make connections, and think more clearly. Slowing down allows the prefrontal cortex—the part of the brain responsible for complex thinking and creativity—to work at its best. By intentionally creating moments of rest and awareness, we can regulate our nervous system and tap into deeper levels of insight, helping us solve problems and think outside the box with greater ease.

I used to believe I simply wasn't a creative person. I secretly admired people who were creative, free spirited and happy. But as I started to incorporate more mindfulness, deep healing work and rest into my lifestyle, I was amazed at how I transformed. It was like giving me brain a break from constantly being in "fight-or-flight" mode allowed it to access different parts of itself, leading to increased creativity and problem-solving abilities. Which massively helped me feel more capable and fulfilled in every area of my life - personally in my confidence and mood, professionally in my creativity and ability to navigate change, in my relationships too.

So if you're feeling stuck or uninspired, your transformation may begin simply by slowing yourself down as when we allow ourselves to slow down, we open ourselves up to taking a closer look at our role in creating the life that we experience which takes us into #3.

3. Awareness Unlocks Change 

When we slow down, we give ourselves the space to notice what’s really going on beneath the surface. Think about it—how often do you feel like you’re just rushing through life, on autopilot? In that rush, it’s easy to miss the patterns holding us back. But when we pause, those patterns start to come into focus.

Slowing down also helps us notice habits that no longer serve us. For instance, let’s say you’re feeling uncomfortable or stressed—do you find yourself instinctively reaching for your phone to scroll through social media? Or maybe you binge-watch a show to avoid thinking about what’s really bothering you.  Maybe it's food, drugs, plant medicines, alcohol, sugar, sex, porn, video games, or any other type of distraction. These are all common ways we cope with discomfort or difficult emotions. But when we slow down and become aware of these habits, we can start to make changes that lead us towards a more fulfilling life.

It's important to note that becoming aware is not about judging ourselves for our habits or behaviours. It's about simply noticing them without judgment. This allows us to approach change from a place of self-compassion and understanding rather than shame and criticism. And when we approach change from a place of self-love and acceptance, it becomes much easier to make sustainable changes in our lives.

Becoming aware also allows us to see the bigger picture. We start to understand how our thoughts, actions, and habits are connected and how they shape our experiences. This awareness empowers us to take control of our lives and make conscious choices that align with our values and goals.

So next time you catch yourself on autopilot, try slowing down and becoming aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Notice any patterns or habits that may be holding you back from living your best life. And remember to approach this process with kindness towards yourself. Awareness is the key that unlocks the door to change, but it's a journey that requires patience, self-love, and compassion along the way.

This is where the real work begins and I always massively celebrate clients who come through our doors whether in person or online who are consistent with this unravelling journey because it's not always easy and its a journey that takes time and patience. But oh my gosh is it ever worth it!

Seeing clients make positive changes in their lives, whether it's improving their relationships, finding their passion, or simply feeling happier and more fulfilled, is one of the most rewarding parts of what we do here at RYS. And I truly believe that anyone can experience this transformation if they are willing to become aware and stay consistent with the journey. I always say "If you stayed consistent for the next 5 years, imagine where you would be?" 

So I invite you to start your own journey towards awareness today. Take some time to slow down, reflect and become aware of what truly matters to you. And remember to approach this process with warmth and compassion for yourself. You deserve to live a life that aligns with your values and brings you joy and fulfillment. Let's make it happen together at RYS!  So why not take the first step towards a more fulfilling life by joining our community of like-minded individuals committed to personal growth and transformation? We can't wait to welcome you into our tribe! Remember, change starts with awareness - so let's start creating positive, sustainable changes in our lives together. See you on the journey!

Actionable Steps to Break Free

Slowing down to speed up may feel counterintuitive, but it’s the key to creating lasting change that involves healing and becoming the version of yourself that you know deep down inside you're capable of being and allowing you to finally balance your ambition (which is far from a bad thing) with your wellbeing for sustainable living and overall enjoyment of life.

We have a few simple call to actions for you this week:

  1. To create a morning mindfulness routine.  This could be as simple as setting aside 10 minutes each morning to sit in silence, focus on your breath and set intentions for the day ahead. You'll be amazed at how this small practice can have a huge impact on your overall well-being.

  2. If you are wanting to embark on a Holistic Healing Journey and would love our team’s support and guidance, we would love to invite you to book what's called a Holistic Living Consultation. On these 45 minute calls, you can share more about what’s happening for you specifically and we can make suggestions and provide you support so you can take those next few steps feeling held and supported.

  3. If you're someone who likes diving into transformation head first and want to accelerate your growth, I'd love to invite you to apply for The Spiral which is our 10 Session Emotional Clearing Program where you can either work 1:1 with our Coaches or in a small group 4:1 to begin unravelling your unique conditioning and emotional patterning keeping you feeling stuck whether thats with your health, personally, professionally or relationally. You can book an exploratory call here and we can explore whether this program is a good fit for you and a great place to start.

Whatever option you choose, know we are here for you  and rooting for your journey towards holistic well-being. Remember, small steps can lead to big changes, so don't underestimate the power of taking that first step towards a more balanced and fulfilling life. We believe in you!  Keep nurturing yourself and finding joy in the journey. See you next week!

Oh and don't forget to share this episode with someone who needs to hear its message and is craving sustainable transformation so they can break free from the chaos, regain peace and live a life of freedom and fulfillment. Until next time. Chao, Laura. x


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